The Internet is probably the media that force us the most to be involved and to keep ourselves up-to-date. It encourages us to break our old habits and to evolve, from our traditional TV to streaming videos and catch-up TV, from CDs to immaterial music, from shops to online shopping and online auctions, from mails and phone to instant messaging and so on. The problem is, the more we get used to these tools, the more we become addicted to them. We, net surfers, are all a little addicted but for some, it is a real disease, called "internet addiction disorder".
Clinics are opening all over the world to cure this particular pathology: in Beijing or in New York for instance. The website of the center for internet addiction recovery even propose an Internet Addiction Test so you can see if you really need rehab.
The pernicious effect of the Internet is that addicts must go online to find the test: a bit ironic, don't you think?
I let you test your addiction, and then ask yourself what is your habit to break.
You're right, internet is also a mirror, where everyone just be ... Narcissism? maybe! just scratching the back of the mirror and the Internet becomes a window on the world !