Thursday, October 22, 2009
The ten golden rules of the I-land
1- Get a connexion
2- Get ready to break your habits
3- Open your mind
4- Experience new things
5- Become aware of the Internet's risks
6- Get involve
7- Enter the web 2.0 and become an actor of the evolution
8- Create your own vision of the web and make it real
9- Enjoy
10- Leave a comment on my blog!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The dictatorial power of screens

Now I know why I love theatre so much. It opens our eyes. It helps us to distance ourselves enough from the world we are living it to understand it. On the contrary, screens snatch us.
Dematerialization on progress: Ebook or not?

There are (obviously) advantages with an ebook: there are over two millions of free books available for download, they can use hyperlinks, multimedia clips and animated images, they can allow non-permanent highlighting and annotation, and they are supposedly eco-friendly (but as far as I am concerned, I am not totally convinced by this argument).
There are also many disadvantages. First of all, the price. Reading ebooks requires a quite expensive device (from 250€ in France for instance). Moreover, it's easier to carry a small book than a ebook-reader, and you will never be interrupted in your reading because the battery of your book got exhausted. And let's be honnest, one will never read thousands of books really well or over a short period of time, so the high amount held on an ebook reader becomes irrelevant.

In my opinion, ebooks will necessarily be a success, but a qualified one. Contrary to mp3 players or iphones, I think they will coexist with paper because needs and customs are very different. And what's more, passionate readers are strongly attached to books' materiality. The feeling of the papergrain, the smell of the pages, the smoothness of the cover... the act of reading is very sensual. I will definitely try ebooks someday, but to me, they will never be as glamorous as my paper books.
Do not hesitate to leave a comment.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Discovering (Part 3)... Pearltrees

The first interest of that website is that you can create a sort of map of your web. The maps help you to have much more contents and an easier access to them than the traditional favorites. Moreover, you can guide your friends or your reader : it actually turns you into a real editor. And finally, you can just surf on the maps of the other users, according to the principle of "serendipity": thus, you will discover a new web, made by other humans just like you, in a very participative way. Maybe you will discover that special something that we called in France "la perle rare"...
Have a nice surf!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Discovering (Part 2)... the Hidden Web

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Discovering (Part 1)... e-teaching/learning

On this website, you can find lesson plans (classified by subjects, grades and technologies) and video tutorials to learn how to use today's technology. These videos are free and you can learn, for instance, how to create objects in flash and learn more about different topics such as online safety, web content production, networks to knowledge and so on.
I think what is interesting in e-learning is that grown-ups are rediscovering, thanks to new technologies, that they still can learn even if they left school a long time ago. It creates new habits. For instance, there are also websites where retired persons offer remedial courses to kids and students. For pensioners, it is a good way to prevent themselves from being victims of social exclusion, and for students, it is a great opportunity to benefit the experience of retired teachers. This kind of solidarity helps to fill the generation gap and to spread knowledge. The Internet, offering learner-centered opportunities, is about to redefine the way adults learn. Moreover, it is also a great opportunity for e-teachers: expertise in soft technology will give trainers new credibility. E-teaching and learning is a real revolution in education: don't miss this chance!
Video debate about the Internet and Music
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Computer crime and cyber terror
After the September 11 terrorist attack, groups of hackers began to talk in the Internet to express their anger. A group called the Dispatchers said they would destroy web servers and Internet access in Afghanistan and nations supporting terrorists. On the other side, muslim hackers started to attack american websites. This shows that the Internet has become a real battleground, and conflicts are taking a cyber dimension. Computer networks attacks have become a serious and growing threat. The website of the Computer Crime Research Center published an extract from a speech made by Richard Clarke, former special adviser for Cyberspace security to George Bush, in the December following the events of the September 11 : "Our enemies will use our technology against us... The fact that they may be form a Third World country should not in any way suggest to us that they will not understand how to use our technology. They will see the places where we did not think we needed to build in security and they will take advantage of those seams".
I don't know if you feel threaten by a terrorist attack by means of the Internet, and if you believe that an hypothetical Word War III could happen thanks to new technologies. Anyway, I am not sure we, individually, can do anything to protect ourselves against such a threat.
As far as I am concerned, I think we should take a less alarmist approach to the potential of an electronic attack but remain concerned.
"Change the web", example of a precious opportunity on the web
Maybe you have heard about the website "Social actions" whose catchphrase is "you make a difference, we make it easy". It is a kind of social network for philanthropists. On the homepage, there is a search field where you can find any kind of action you feel concerned about, such as climate change, education, poverty, animals, homeless or healthcare. Once you have choosen, the site will propose you a lot of actions : volunteer, donate, sign a petition or make a loan for instance. You can also propose an action to the other users.
And even if you are not Mother Teresa, this website can help you capitalize in good intentions. This is the purpose of the "Change the world challenge" they created on 2009.
The challenge has been a huge success. Here's the idea: as they say on their page, the challenge "encouraged the development of applications that share these opportunities to take action on the websites, blogs and social networks that people visit everyday".
Here are the three winners:
1st Prize $5,000, interactive map
2nd Prize $3,000 zemantas
3rd Prize $2,000 iphone app

That's exactly what we can call a win-win business. Netsurfers get both money and a clear conscience out of it (which is not at everybody's level...), and the website gets visibility and a publicity stunt out of it. Without being too cynical, we must admit it is a hell of a good viral marketing operation for Social Actions. I bet an advertizing campaign of that size would have cost much more than the 10,000$ they gave to the winners and what's more, it would have been much more difficult to infiltrate social networks and blug with "official" advertisements.
But if it is for a good cause, I suppose we just have to bow before this initiative.